The Parents

was an AKC Bernese Mountain Dog. She was our very first Bernese Mountain Dog. She joined our family in March of 2015 and was the matriarch of our canine family. She is mama to our Lexie and Delilah.
is an AKC Bernese Mountain Dog. She joined our farm in December of 2017. She has an independent personality and she tends to be more reserved than our other dogs, but is becoming to be more venturesome and making new friends. She is mama to our Rosie and she weighs 75 pounds.
is an AKC Bernese Mountain Dog with fabulous markings. She was born on our farm in 2018 and she is a daughter of Chelsie. She has a sweet personality and loves to have companions by her side. She loves her one-on-one time with me! She likes to run and play in our yard, but new places aren't her favorite. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body, just like her mama and sissy, and she gets along great with everyone! She weighs in around 80 pounds.

is an AKC Bernese Mountain Dog with fabulous markings. She was born in our first-ever litter of Bernese Mountain Dogs in 2018. She is Rylee's daughter. She loves to run and play and always tries to 'steal the show'. She likes attention and has a more dominant personality. She weighs around 85 pounds.

is an AKC Bernese Mountain Dog. She was born in Chelsie and Randie's final litter of puppies in 2021. She lives in a guardian home nearby with some of our friends where she enjoys playing with their family, running around the yard, and hanging out with their other animals. She is very loving, curious, and strong-willed. She's always alert, full of energy and ready to play. She weighs around 70 pounds.

is an AKC Bernese Mountain Dog with fabulous markings. He joined our family in January of 2018. He loves cuddling and finding new things to explore. He is a very adventurous guy, overly social, and always making new friends. He's definitely the patriarch of our canine family and he keeps all of the ladies in line. He weighs 110 pounds.

is a purebred tri-color Poodle. He joined our family in February of 2019. He has a very calm personality, he is laid-back and extremely attentive. He is pretty social, he loves people and his canine friends alike! Chewing on things is his guilty pleasure. His markings are similar to the markings of a Bernese and his curly coat makes for extra fluffy pups!


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